Boynton Beach Gold Coast Band 

About US

The Gold Coast Band is a municipal community band proudly supported by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The band was founded in 1976 by the late James E. Buffan, PhD. Dr. Buffan and his wife, Lee, came to Boynton Beach from Niagara Falls, N.Y., where he was director of music for the city`s public schools. He also served as a music teacher on the faculty of Niagara University.

 Today, comprised of more than 60 volunteer musicians of all ages, they perform Broadway tunes, marches, classical, semi-classical and popular music programs under the direction of Barbara Rubenstein.

 The concert season runs from September through May of each year.

 Our vocalist, International Jazz Performer Donna Singer, PhD, is thrilled to be a part of the band and enjoys the community band atmosphere. The band, composed of both professional and non-professional musicians and students, focuses on making each concert an enjoyable and entertaining experience for everyone. 

 The Gold Coast Band is a proud member of The Association of Concert Bands

Mission Statement

The purpose for which the Gold Coast Band, Inc. is organized is to inspire

 people through music. This is a community-based ensemble of volunteer wind and percussion 

 players that uses performance, education and outreach for the betterment of the community.

A. Performance

 1. The Band exposes the community to a wide range of musical genres by performing music

 from movies, theatre, opera, jazz and both classical and modern symphonies. The Band has a

 regular schedule of annual performances.

B. Education

 I. The Band provides a venue for any adult who wants to perform this unique brand of music

 The musicians are all volunteers. It welcomes everyone who wants to play. There is no

 audition process. Members are mentored by the musical director, guest artists and each other.

 2. The Band provides a venue for high school students to perform within the ensemble

 Students who want to become a part of the Band must commit to attending weekley rehearsals

 and concerts. Students may be eligible for band-sponsored musical scholarships.

C. Outreach

 I. The Band volunteers at schools to expose youth to various musical instruments and to foster

 a love of music

 2. The Band performs in venues outside of its regular concert venue to expose as much of the

 community as possible to the unique sound of a wind and percussion group..

Copywrite 2018 Goldcoast Band Inc.